Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How Did I Do?

Today I interviewed in class. I'm really interested in your feedback!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

T.I.P. Update

  • homework 
  • school
  • internship
  • work
  • meetings

  • socialize
  • phone
  • cleaning
  • meetings

  • shower
  • sleep
  • clean
  • eat

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Time Investmenet Portfolio

  • homework 
  • school
  • work
  • meetings

  • socialize
  • phone
  • cleaning

  • shower
  • sleep
  • clean
  • eat
  • Netflix 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Part I:

"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.:
  • People are good. How is being true to myself seen evil to others.                                                  "They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil's child, I will live then from the Devil." (Ethos/Pathos)
  •  "If malice and vanity...."
  • "'Go love thy infant; love thy...'" its adorable

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


  • The author, Johannes is a philosopher who works with engineers in "Standford's Center for Automotive Research." (Self-Driving Car Article)
  • Diana Divecha - credible because she has a PH-D in Psychology and she's an assistant clinical professor at Yale Child Study Center and Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Which makes her a candidate to talk about bullying.
  • Diana Divecha: "school with a positive climate faster healthy development, while negative school climate is associated w/ higher rates of student bullying, aggression. victimization and feeling unsafe."
  • Diana Divecha: "A majority of teachers report that they feel unprepared to deal with classroom bullying. Some teachers bully students themselves, or show a lack of empathy toward children who are bullied."
  • A study of 36-first graders showed that when teachers were made emotionally supportive of students children were less aggressive and had greater behavioral self-control, compared to the use of behavioral management, which did not improve student self-control.
  •  "So a school's specific issues can be addressed, and the flavor of local cultures retained. Schools climate asssessments can be completed periodically to track the impact of improvements."

Monday, November 4, 2019

On self-reliance

"Our acts our angels are, or good or ill,..."

My first impression about this was surprisingly interesting and I felt hooked up because of the phrase; "Ne te quæsiveris extra".

Believe our own thoughts in order to
the belief in u is the part that should be celebrated out
the belief is genius


only champian is YOU
the only captain of ur ship is YOU

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Let Me Walk You Through The Pedestrian

a futuristic story 

Theme: (explain what it WAS ABOUT)       *feelings; 1. humanity 2. technology 3. authority
Intro: [Bradbury's experience & feelings]
  • 2. tone                          *numbers; paragraphs
  • 3. character
  • 1. plot
Plot: (what happened in the story)


Monday, October 21, 2019

So This Guy Goes For A Walk

He was walking on the side of the street. A cop then came beside him and stopped him and was asked what he was doing.

 Ray Bradbury wrote the story because of a real life experience. As he was walking he then started thinking about what would happen if a police car would stop him. As he began to think about it he then started to become suspicious on why he was walking. In the story, the police officer asks him what he is doing....

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Same Words Differerent People

viral...  fast nationwide popularity
explicit direct information, teachers give
back filling, giving info and reflecting, thinking about
learning is being taught
when you're being taught you're being.... learning is attractive and engaging

open source system u don't exchange light and....
closed system classroom is PRIVATE.
outcomes change when someone new comes into the circle, conversation change, the way you're being observed.
open source software: source code (programing language) that is free to the public to copy, use, modify, and distribute//share.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Meet My New Vocabulary

  1. Characterization:  representation of a persons in narrative 
    1. Characterization is important in order to get the reader's attention and it makes the characters alive and believabled
  2. Internet: is important because of the limitless space where people have access to unlimited amounts of information
  3.  Allocation: 
    • Symbolism: 
    • Epistemic: 
    • individualism: 
    • introspect: 
    • reply: 
    • schema: 
    • supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: 
Dot dot dot ......

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Essay Esssay

Hawthrone communicates this theme by mentioning to his readers that the whole world around us has sinned.
  • He then opens his eyes to see the reality of the world in which we all sin
  • Brown then is aware of who is around him
  • MAIN THEME: the fight between good and evil

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Thesis Statement

I feel that having an essay without a prompt is easier because having a prompt is like having boundaries when writing. Having no prompt lets you have the advantage of letting your thoughts just flow and letting them puzzle together as they go. That is why writing an essay on "Young Goodman Brown" without a prompt would easier.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

do. or do not. there is no essay

  • stress, anger, crying, and dropout were on every list
  • A teacher thought we were crazy because of the way we reacted to the word 'Essay'
  • Essay=hard to understand instructions...?
  • Hawthrone Effect???????
  • Trust isn't just given it's earned. Our teacher showed us to trust him on the first day of school. he stepped out of the class so we can take freely about how our course show be run throughout the year. 
  • You can't win if you don't play!!!
  • Every time you try and get someone to understand you--every moment of those is an Essay. So when we write an essay, all we're trying to do is make sure that someone understands us.
  • We learn best when we love what we do.
  • An essay is our attempt to participate in human conversation, on paragraph at a time.

There is no TRY in an essay. You just WRITE.

Read Talk Understand


ur password is only as secure n the weakest website u use

change password every month...?
If changed have

  • numbers
  • letters(cap and lower)
  • symbols
How do you manage to remember all the different passwords for each website? 

Make your password that is easy to remember but not as easy that just any random person can figure out
1.) 5PH1NX= sphinx
2.) D0GC4T=dogcat

Keep a notebook or something somewhere to keep your passwords secure

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Literature Analyisis: [Untraceable]

1. Homicide cop Nathan Deveraux is worried, because if there is no body that means there is no case. Alex went to Melanie's house and when she was there she saw traces f blood on the porch. A trail leading down to the edge of a river not too far from the house. But, once she turns around to look back the house was already on fire. Someone had put it on fire while she was there. A lot of questions and scenes came to her head. She pushes all her thoughts aside and runs off to Nathan's house.

2. The theme of the whole book is crazy. It creates tension, suspense and a lot of rising and really quick dropping points. Overall, the theme is Romance and Crime.

3. She may wake up early and fall asleep late. I'm thinking early in the morning because she can wake up really early in the day and have an idea of what to write next. As her day goes by, she's probably busy the rest of the day. Night comes and she is still working. She might sleep late due to the thought of her arranging her thoughts/notes she had written throughout the day.
She probably drinks coffee and tea, mostly tea.
Meditation would be my guess for her.
No, she is very productive with her work and knows her drinking boundaries. She probably wishes she can be hungover and go stumbling to the toilet.
Breakfast... Maybe a good healthy breakfast sometimes. Other times are really fast, quick, easy, nonhealthy breakfasts.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Untraceable by Laura Griffin

A private investigator, Alexandra Lovell, uses computer skills and cunning to help clients drop off the radar and begin new lives in safety. Melanie was desperate to escape her abusive husband, a cop, was one of her clients. Melanie then vanishes for real, Alex is scared of what might have happened, so she goes out herself to look for her. Well a bit back... When Alex had dropped the radar for Melanie she and given her a new identity and sent her off. Melanie or any other client that was cut from the radar never had to give up their true identity. Melanie did, she worked in a hospital just like she did back home, she ordered pizza with the same toppings every other day.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I Ain't Got Time For This

Four square:

  • the x-axis is satisfaction 
  • the y-axis is time and effort

IF ur a person that takes time-consuming things and u can do things at a higher way. U feel good about it. But if ppl see in the outside they see it as work
If u love sum hard enough you love the feeling of succeding

    • Top right square= happy face
    • Top left= angry
    • Bottom right= shame ( -~- )
    • Bottom left= box shaded in (doesn't exsit)

  • at some point, if we don't get the satisfation we want we go into shame mode
  • wat if i have a high level of sat. but not doing anything?????
  • the only way to see or learned sat. is that ppl that are sat. have earned it. knowing that they accomplished it, did it, and they did it because they were excited about doing what they did. 
  • u wind up feeling like a fraud if u were born into a million-dollar company and you did nothing to earn it

  • value! creat vaule thru shared meaning
  • 86,400 seconds ina day 
SELLING:               GIVING:     SPENDING:      PASSING:             BIOLOGY:
outer/directive        other/directive      inner/directive        non/directive

hw                          socialize       practice         Netflix                   Sleep
meetings/clubs         phone         hobbies          video games          eat
school                      cleaning                                                       shower
commute                                                                                    cleaning

  • you can teach and learn more wen u don't have too many to-dos
  • distraction can become the whole thing. anything of small doses can become BIG
  • allocation: a portion 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Earth On Turtle's Back

A myth is a story that explains something we don't understand!!
A moral: a lesson
Determination achieves more than those who aren't as determined...

  • Resilience and determination

!!Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.!!!

What the story contained:

    • Personification (anthropomorphic) was included in the story
    • Rising action

Friday, September 6, 2019

I Care About Your Understanding

When someones doing really good in their life people always tend to throw shade at you, when you're in bad terms they usually like to laugh and feel good about you failing. But when it's them in the situation they don't like it. They get mad, butthurt, and in some circumstances violent... People in the world like seeing others fail.


Why do we get our dreams shut down? Some of our parents shut our dreams down because what may be our dream isn't a professional. Or if may not be a 'career' to them. For example, a singer, a rapper, a hip-hop artist, etc. It may not be secure that we'll get there. But, if we don't chase our dreams are we really ever going to know what it feels like having a dream and going after it. No. We won't because we might be afraid to do so. Yes, it's scary not saying that it can be easy but, if we try then we'll be able to realize a lot about the world.

"If someone tries to crush your dreams, that means they've already gave up on their dreams and want you to give up on yours." 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Making Of An Essay

Essay in french means TO TRY

!!!! to try to make ur self-understood!!!!

if you write to make ur self-understood it's putting care into something... if someone would read it they'd know if you cared or not.

Montaigne: French philosopher that popularized the essay into

As a tribe, we do better than being on ourselves!

For me, essays were always overwhelming and still are up to this day. Just hearing the word 'essay' makes me anxious. Today in class, I learned that even though I feel how i feel I should still try. Essay means to ‘try’ and thats what I'm willing to do. Essays maybe not be anyone’s thing but puttin some effort and a bit of dedication its secure that we get it done.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Everything Is A Remix

remix: to combine or edit existing materials to produce something new.
  • early example; Sugarhill gang and chics....same sample line has been played several times
Everything is a remix!!
  • Remix means that you took something that was already existing and you combined it to something new....arrangement and transformation of samples
  • Myths of creativity.... literature wasn't about romance 
  • a light bulb: represents the moment of insights, nothing, blackness and then you flip the switch and you got light
how do we create?
          3 basic elements...
                       Domain knowledge... speak like everyone else... Copying.... flat out mimic what others have done or do... race, sex,
                       Transformation... taking existing stuff and producing 

Thomas Edison didn't create the light bulb! The light bulb was already created
Implications...loss aversion.... two distorting...ideas of property...ideas are property... ideas contain ideas... 

"By idolizing those whom we honor we do a disservice both to them and to ourselves... we fail to recognize that we could go and do likewise." 
                                                               -Charles V. Willie

Monday, September 2, 2019

Train Like A Memory Champion

I learned that we're all different. We each have our own way/s of memorizing things. We either remember by standing in front of a mirror, grouping, writing it down, rhymes, reading back and forth, and using pictures. Each of us learns differently, whether we learn different or not, at the end of the day we all learn the same thing. The more we learn to do something, the easier it'll be. For example, memorizing short/long passages.

Getting To Know You

In class today we did all participated in an activity, to where we had written an important/interesting/private fact about ourselves. Once we had done that the teacher had picked several that he thought were interesting and playful to the mind. We then had to guess what fact belonged with what classmate. This activity made each and every one of us come closer. We learned more about those who were surrounded by. This game also brought a lot of discussion into the classroom. We were shocked at who did what, who knows how, who can, etc. An activity/game really brings everyone together whether we know each other or not.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

"Laughing Heart"

Hack To School

1. This class is about communication, understanding, having a voice.

 2. In my opinion, the easiest thing in this class are the journals.

 3. The hardest part of the class is memorization.

 4. I've learned a lot about the world, in other words, reality. Dr. Preston makes me realize and think about what goes around in the world or how things work. Why things work the way they do and what we benefit from everything. I've also learned a few things about my classmates, for example, the game we once played in class. We all had to write something important, personal, or interesting about ourselves and we had to guess what fact went with who.

 5. My Big Question is, Why is the world always judging?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Commmunication Strategies Of A Hacker

diction= collective of words written
tone= the author's attitude towards the audience, topic or characters
syntax= a way words are placed together
Prose= words in paragraphs not being poetry...a natural flow of speech

diction...teenager and criminal; the way the author refers to his readers and giving different meanings to those two words the choice to write

syntax... "they're all alike"
         -keeps referring to the same line over and over again at the end of each paragraph

tone... argues between himself, writes about his 'other voice'
         -talks to both kids and adults

apathetique= nice....diction
"did you, in ur three-piece..."

syntax.....he's writing behalf on us teenagers but wants adults...?

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Today I Asked a Question...

As we grow older why do we stop asking questions?
Today in class we discussed our journal topic... While writing about the topic Dr. Preston mentioned a lot of important and true facts. For example, "learning is physically and emotionally good for us... it eliminates depression." I never knew that learning reduced or eliminated the amount of depression... I was honestly surprised about that. Another, thing that he had mentioned was, "In school, we're rewarded for answering a question, not for asking one." And I honestly do agree with this because when you answer a question right a teacher gives you credit. When asking one they may answer but they won't give you credit for it... I mean they may not give us points for asking a question but they mostly take our question to consideration.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

You Are Not Entitled to Your Opinion

You're not entitled to your opinion. What does 'entitled' mean? Well, entitled is believing in one's privileges. Being entitled to our opinions means no one has the right to stop you from thinking or saying what you want. We've grown to be "entitled to our opinion" other than being told we're not. After hearing that we can say whatever we want for quite a long time and then randomly being told we can't.... surprises us and we think that person is crazy. Some may say that they are entitled to their own opinion due to the first amendment; congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Perhaps, some may say that their opinion doesn't matter. They may think that because they think that someone else's opinion will out loud or outshine theirs. Being entitled or to not be entitled to my opinion doesn't really matter t me. Is it weird, maybe, but what I know for a fact is that I have opinions. I have and give judgments... we all do. And to me having judgments and opinions is more than enough because I know us humans all think differently whether we're entitled to them or not.

Socratic Seminar Pt. 2: The Right to Your Opinion

  • Well, what is an opinion? 
An opinion is something you hold to your self. We're all entitled to our own opinion.
  • Like Dr. Preston mentioned about someone's favorite color being blue and your friend's being yellow... You may go back and forth about which color is better but the conversation is then cut. By one of you saying, "Well you're entitled to your own opinion." Because the negativity was then cut short and while discussing which was better it ended there.
  • When shutting someone's opinion they feel hurt and emotional
  • limbic area: governs our emotions
  • being gentle on the people, being easy on the people, and really hard on the problem
  • syllogism- the simplest form of argument
  • Money is nothing than a system of agreements
  • claiming a right to our opinion doesn't get us closer to the truth, it stops conversations it's not technically true because we are not automatically entitled to someones else's agreement... it entitles them.... because we depend on shared opinion...                               
  • a lot of things that are "sacred" they're not.... a lot of things that we think that are "sacred" are not... 
  • In local parentis- in place of the parents
    • the legal principle that allows school administrators to act in place of the parents... that's why they can enforce dress code........ schools have a school dress code policy
  • Our brains are BRILLIANT but our bodies are DUMB
  • when we give our opinion it isn't just us saying what we think but we provide evidence and use logic to present it.... not just how we say but how we show

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Why is love important?

In yesterday's Socratic Seminar we discussed our journal topic. Why is love such an important theme in music, poetry, short stories, novels, and movies? Why are people so interested in love--and so often, so bad at loving?
One of my classmates had mentioned that love is something we grow up having. For example, we experience love when we're first born and held by our parents.

I agree with what my classmate had said but in my opinion, I don't think we grow from just being held by our parents. I believe that there's more to it.
We don't just grow and then magically know how to love. We grow from that first hug we received and learn how to love on the way.

A lot of people say 'love' is a strong word... It may be but then why do we say we love something.

Big Question(s):
Is love something we really need in life?
Why is love important?
What is love?

Being loved and loving someone is an ingredient of human survival. It may not be much of a  human necessity like oxygen, food, water, etc.  But love does satisfy the emotional needs of humans. To some of us, it may make us feel good about our selves. Love is important because we can then have relationships with people and turn to them when we need a push.

Love? Love is about caring for someone, wanting to be there for them, supporting them, and helping them grow. It means caring about someone else's happiness, problems, and struggles other than one's own.

Now I Remember

The method that I used to memorize the poem "Richard Cory" was taking it apart paragraph by paragraph. I'd memorize the first paragraph and repeat it about 2-3 times. After I'd have it down I would move onto the second para. and go back to the first and put what I knew together. So my steps were technically just read, repeat, review, read, repeat, review, etc. I tried the mirror, it didn't help me. Writing it down also didn't help, neither did recording myself and hearing it after. But well it's different for everyone.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Socratic Method

There were many interesting facts that drew my attention. One of these facts was how the Socratic Method works, It works by having a negative mindset and being the 'devil's advocate'. The Socratic Method is bad as much as it may seem, the negative mindset helps build up a conversation. It also helps teachers to get a view of how much understanding there is in the subject that was taught.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Keep Pushing Forward

Well, to start off with I'm a regular teenager trying new things out like any other. First things first...I'm a newly incoming junior at Santa Maria High School. As a junior pressure is brought onto us, not just for being role models but for also being expected to know a lot. Being close to the end of high school brings a lot of emotions to play.
What has kept me pushing forward through these past two years have been the comments and comparisons that have been thrown at me. (I have 4 siblings; 2 older brothers, a sister, and a little brother) They'd say that I'd become like my sister (21), my older brother (27), or that I wouldn't be able to get as far as my other brother (25).
These past and upcoming years I want to show those who said I couldn't that I most certainly can. I wanna show them, I made it through thanks to all the negative comments they gave. Proving someone wrong is a really good feeling. All I want to say is keep pushing forward, we can't let others put us down. There'll always, always be something or someone that'll give you strength or help us through those struggles.